Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

So sorry i am late! We have had a interesting weekend! ;) Just like my birthday i also celebrate Valentine's all month long! This is the month of love! So go out and buy up all the half price chocolate to get you through the hormonal months ahead! Lol ;)

Have a great week!



  1. happy v-day! i found your blog (again!) from gary reef's ning network!

  2. hey there -- thx for the comment on my blog -- i have to get better about posting -- read your about me blurb and that is so me, that and finding a focus for my art (rather than escaping into reading others' blogs) ... goddesses in everywoman, crossing to avalon, reviving ophelia -- they're all books -- and marion woodman's written addiction to perfection, dancing in the flames, the owl was a baker's daughter, and leaving my father's house amongst others -- all about the role of the goddess in the transformation to conscious femininity -- so cool -- now i'm gonna have to go dig out some of those books!

  3. Half price chocoalte sounds good!

  4. Hi Dinah

    Are these pictures of you. If so, you are stunning.

    I am stunned by your beauty in your posts already, but physically if that is you, I just want to say you are beautiful.

    Love Renee

  5. Is this too soon. har har har....

    Love Renee

  6. I'm glad you had a wonderful Valentines and happy belated birthday!!!!

